what is INTL CARD 99999999 ?


INTL CARD 99999999

If you are one of the many people who are puzzled or even scared by the entry “INTL CARD 99999999” on your credit card or bank statement, do not worry you’re not alone in all this. You may wonder, what does this strange entry mean? Should you be afraid? In this post, we will explain what it is, the reasons it shows up in your account, and the steps you can take if any suspicious activity is taking place. So, let’s get to it right away.

What is INTL CARD 99999999?

Just to be clear from the very start, the “INTL CARD 99999999” label usually indicates a transaction involving either Apple or Google. This often happens when you buy something from these companies, like an app, a movie, or a subscription service. Since Apple and Google are widely used, this charge may simply be tied to a recent purchase from their platforms, you know? Your card will show the “INTL CARD” charge, such as if you downloaded an app from the Apple App Store or made an in-app purchase using Google Play. While it may seem a little strange right away, if you think about it for a sec, it probably relates to a valid transaction that I conducted through one of those smartphone applications.

Common Reasons for the Charge

There literally are a lot of people who can be seen reporting that one of the frequent causes of the said charge is making a purchase from Apple like downloading a new app or subscribing to Apple Music. Also, international transactions mostly are shown with the manipulation of the “INTL CARD” tag by Apple, since one of the global branches of Apple is the one to process the payment, you know? In the same manner, Google probably triggered this charge if you’ve used Google Pay or made a purchase on Google Play. In this case, it could be that you bought an app, paid for a subscription, or even just confirmed that the card was valid in case of further payments. Just know that every now and then, when you add a new card to Google Pay, Google adds a tiny charge to the account. This security measure ensures that the card is valid, that’s all.

Temporary Authorization vs. Actual Charge

Those two might seem the same, but there is a significant difference between the two, temporary authorizations vs actual charges. Like what exactly? Well, a “temporary authorization” is a kind of little hold on your card that Apple and Google may have implemented in order to authenticate your card. For example, while adding your card to Google Pay, you may discover a tiny amount, say £1.00 or $1.00, was held temporarily. This is not a real charge and it generally disappears after a few days. In contrast, if the charge has a reference to something you bought, it is a legitimate payment and money will be deducted from your account. The simplest method of verification is to have a look at your recent purchases. In case there is a purchase of something from Apple or Google around the same time as this charge appeared, it is probable that the charge is legitimate.

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